Join the official Fox&Badge community

Join the official Fox&Badge community

Join the official Fox&Badge community

Enter the realm of creative connection with Fox&Badge, a community of artists, dancers, performers, and music-lovers.

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Official F&B chat group

In the official Fox&Badge chat, you can discover an open-hearted and open-minded community. Fox&Badge’s boundary-blurring ethos helps you reveal your truest self.

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Discover Fox&Badge events

Freedom and ferality; sensuality and self-expression; connection and creativity. These are just a few of the things people at the wonderfully welcoming Fox&Badge events have in common. And you can get your tickets on WAX.

Catfish-free zone

Everyone you see on our app is 100% verified. Our team checks everyone that creates a profile —so you can be sure they are who they say they are. Less catfishes, more creatives.

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